Selected published works

Journal of Engineering Science and Journal of Social Sciences

Elena Gogoi, ORCID: 0000-0002-4159-34771

1Technical University of Moldova, 168, Stefan cel Mare Blvd., MD-2004, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

 *Corresponding author: Elena Gogoi,

The article can be read here: JSS: Vol. III (3) 2020

Cristina LAZARIUC, ORCID: (0000-0003-0585-1675)*

 Technical University of Moldova, 168, Ștefan cel Mare Blvd., Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

*Corresponding author: Cristina Lazariuc,

The article can be read here: JSS: Vol. III (3) 2020

Nicolai Ababii, ORCID: 0000-0001-5046-8611,1,2,

Viorel Trofim, ORCID: 0000-0002-6620-3076,1,

Oleg Lupan, ORCID: 0000-0002-7913-9712,1,2*

 1 Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova, 168 Stefan cel Mare Av., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

2 Center for Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Technical University of Moldova, 168 Stefan cel Mare Av., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

*Corresponding author: Oleg Lupan,

The article can be read here: JES Vol. XXVII (2) 2020

Vasile POSTICA, ORCID: 0000-0003-3494-2349,1*

Florian RASCH, ORCID: 0000-0003-4623-1659, 2

Fabian SCHÜTT, ORCID: 0000-0003-2942-503X,2

Rainer ADELUNG, ORCID: 0000-0002-2617-678X,2

Oleg LUPAN, ORCID: 0000-0002-7913-9712,1,2,*

1Center for Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova, 168 Stefan cel Mare Av., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

 2Functional Nanomaterials, Faculty of Engineering, Institute for Materials Science, Kiel University, Kaiserstr. 2, D-24143, Kiel, Germany

 *Corresponding authors:  Oleg Lupan, , Vasile Postica,

The article can be read here: JES Vol. XXVII, no. 2 (2020), pp. 76 – 86

Serghei Oleinic*, ORCID: 0000-0002-4917-6424,

Victor Beșliu, ORCID: 0000-0001-7265-903X,

Tatiana Scorohodova, ORCID: 0000-0002-8931-0704

Technical University of Moldova, 168, Ștefan cel Mare Bd., MD-2004, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

 *Corresponding author: Serghei Oleinic,

The article can be read here: JES XXVII, no. 3 (2020), pp. 156 – 168

Mihail I. Iacob, ORCID: 0000-0002-3301-050X1*,

Yurie I. Demciuc, ORCID: 0000-0002-6868-52592,

Ion A. Avram, ORCID: 0000-0002-5931-41653

1State Enterprise «Radiocomunicatii», Drumul Viilor st., 28/2, Chisinau, 2029, The Rebublic of Moldova

2State Enterprise «Radiocomunicatii», Drumul Viilor st., 28/2, Chisinau, 2029, The Rebublic of Moldova

3Technical University of Moldova, Ștefan Cel Mare st., 168, Chisinau, 2004, The Rebublic of Moldova

 *Corresponding author:

The article can be read here: JES Vol. XXVII, no. 3 (2020), pp. 90 – 101

Burlacu Natalia, ORCID: 0000-0003-3281-38341

1Technical University of Moldova,

Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics,

9/7 Studentilor street, Chisinau city, Rep. Moldova, MD-2020

 *Corresponding author: Burlacu Natalia, natalia.burlacu[at]

The article can be read here. JSS III, no. 3 (2020), pp. 11 – 17

Alexandru Burlacu, ORCID: 0000-0002-8600-57711

1Technical University of Moldova,    Studenților 9/7, Chișinău, Rep. Of Moldova

 *Corresponding author: Alexandru Burlacu,

The article can be read here: JES Vol. XXVII, no. 4 (2020), pp. 197 – 207

Ali Ameen, ORCID: (0000-0002-5451-8257)

Technical University of Moldova, 168 Stefan cel Mare Av., MD-2004 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

 Corresponding author:  Ali Ameen, email:

The article can be read here. JES Vol. XXVII, no. 4 (2020), pp. 128 – 139

Book of abstracts

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